“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” -Aristotle

Group & Events Calendar

Christ First, Families Second.

  • Athletics

    We seek to build Antrim County’s first homeschool athletic teams. Together we can come together to offer the benefits of character building athletics for our homeschoolers.

  • Formals

    Our high school members have the ability to experience the thrill of a traditional Formal by dressing up, fellowshipping and dancing the night away, making memories that will last a lifetime!

  • Graduations

    Homeschool graduation ceremonies that honor God, your student, and your journey as a homeschooling family.

  • Weekly Co-op

    Seeking a more routine connection? This year we are excited to offer a weekly co-op opportunity on Tuesdays in Bellaire, MI from 12-3pm at the ASI Community Center 102 Maple St. Bellaire, MI